Blemish Rescue Anti-Redness Mattifying Primer



A generous amount is needed to cover completely, because I find it quite sheer when it spreads. The formula is weightless, no scent and is lotion-like. The primer is surprisingly green, which makes sense, as the green mineral pigments help neutralise any redness on the face. Additional ingredients that it is packed with to cover blemishes, are chamomile and arnica.

This primer is priced towards the mid-high end. I use this primer, especially on days when my redness won’t go away and on special occasions. I find that it works amazing on drier days and when I know I might be out in the sun. To some degree, this primer controls face shine.

The result is great, it does not feel sticky and truly diminishes mid-faint redness on my face. As it is quite sheer, more amount is required and is completely buildable, without it looking “cakey”.



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